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Flavio Arroyo Morocho
Dely Nathalia Bravo Donoso
Carlos Santiago Buenaño Armas
Mario Augusto Rivera Valenzuela


This document is intended to present the perception that exists within Ecuador about Industrial Design, as well as to present an analysis of how this discipline can be conceived as an activity generating value added (this term being understood as an additional benefit That is offered, which is highly valued by the market) in the manufacture of national products, through methodologies proposed for its integration with industry through the theory of Quality in which different methods have already been proposed different methods in order to optimize to a certain extent the activities of conception of goods, services and the design of the same, through manufacturing processes; In this way to position the national production competitively.


Additionally, the document deals with issues related to Industrial Design and its contribution to industries located in other countries where their purpose of meeting needs, not only has been to offer factors of form, color, user experience or nexus with the Customer, but also with the creation and representation of brand image which must be supported and maintained with the quality of the products and services that are provided, unfolding a necessary link between Quality, Industrial Design and the fundamental existence of quality for the Development and growth of the discipline of industrial design.


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How to Cite
Arroyo Morocho, F., Bravo Donoso, D. N., Buenaño Armas, C. S., & Rivera Valenzuela, M. A. (2018). Español. INNOVA Reseach Journal, 3(7), 1–16.
Author Biographies

Flavio Arroyo Morocho, Universidad Central del Ecuador, Ecuador

Director de Carrera Ingenierí­a en Diseño Industrial

Dely Nathalia Bravo Donoso, Universidad Central del Ecuador, Ecuador

Ingeniera en Diseño Industrial. Magister en Diseño. Docente de la Universidad Central del Ecuador

Carlos Santiago Buenaño Armas, Universidad Central del Ecuador, Ecuador

Ingeniero Mecánico. Magister en Ingeniería Industrial. Docente de la Universidad Central del Ecuador

Mario Augusto Rivera Valenzuela, Universidad Central del Ecuador, Ecuador

Ingeniero Mecánico. Magister en Diseño, Producción y Automatización Industrial. Docente de la Universidad Central del Ecuador


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