El legado católico en la acumulación de riqueza y ahorro de un ecuatoriano

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Miguel Mauricio Cueva


For Max Weber, capitalism was a conclusive fact that determined the destiny of man and was the result of the interrelation of economic, religious, moral, ethical elements, among others. This thinker explained the economic conception that leads to wealth, as a moral imperative, for this, his thought conceived religion as an aspect of importance and influence for development, leading the Protestant countries to have a better economic performance in front of countries that professed the Catholic faith and saw credit as usury.
The influence of Catholicism in the Ecuadorian economy is decreasing, but for years, since the arrival of the Spaniards, it has left an imprint that could have influenced the patterns of accumulation of wealth and therefore savings of the population.
Apparently there is a differentiation in the behavior of savers in the coastal and mountain regions of Ecuador and part of this behavior could be explained by the religious propensity of the peoples of these regions.
This work seeks to explain in the light of the theory that Max Weber presented in his essay The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, the differences in saving patterns and variables, not necessarily of an economic cut that affect it, supported by argumentation Theoretical and statistical data that have stales as a source.


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How to Cite
Cueva, M. M. (2018). El legado católico en la acumulación de riqueza y ahorro de un ecuatoriano. INNOVA Reseach Journal, 3(6), 84–96. https://doi.org/10.33890/innova.v3.n6.2018.557


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