El manual de inducción y bienvenida como parte de la cultura organizacional
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In the era of the Talentismo, it is necessary as managers of human talent, have appropriate skills and tools to be able to attract, motivate, retain and empower human talent within organizations, a way to do this, it is generating a first "good impression" on the new contributor when he joined to form part of the team in an organization.
A key aspect for the afore-mentioned is, highlight the fundamental aspects of the corporate culture of the Organization, generating new collaborator: a high sense of belonging, identification with the values, alignment to the strategic plan, Mission, Vision and Goals of the institution and ultimately engagement through the creation and implementation of a tool of induction and welcome, which allows to orient it to the new working environment is facing (company and job) and promote a rapid adaptation that allows them to be efficient, productive and concrete outcomes for which he was hired. (Santillan 2017)
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