La percepcion de la incursión de las TIC en el aula desde la perspectiva de los estudiantes universitarios
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Introduction: The information and communications technology (ICT) have impressively integrated into daily life, from this perspective we want to know its presence and impact on the teaching-learning process.
ObjectiveTo determine the use and application of ICT in the classroom and their influence on the teaching-learning process from the perception of students and undergraduate university teachers.
Method: The research is documentary and field, the universe or population consisted of 82 students and 3 teachers, data collection was the questionnaire. one descriptive and inferential statistical analysis was performed
Results: A very low percentage of teachers use ICT in the teaching-learning process of biostatistics, however students strongly believe that the incursion of them will have a positive impact on the educational process as verified the hypothesis by statistical .
Conclusions: In biostatistics, it is rare use of ICT in the classroom so that students develop cognitive skills feebly, generation of intuitive ideas through trial and error generating new knowledge.
Keywords: Teaching, Learning, Biostatistics, Teaching, ICT
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