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This study becomes relevant, which aims to unveil the strategies and technical resources used by teachers in classes with students with visual limitations, in addition to knowing the compliance with the regulations regarding this student population in the Magdalena University of Santa Marta - Colombia , based on the law 1680 of 2013 and some theorists on the subject. In relation to the methodology, the research was oriented from the qualitative perspective, the phenomenological method was assumed. It was based on the contributions of Smith, M. (1998), Ministry of National Education (2006), Cabrera & Pesantez, (2015), Cochran- National Institute for the Blind. (2011), Moposita, P. (2015), Vega, M. (2011), Peña, N. (2014), Hernández, C. (2011), Piaget, J. (1983). Among other authors. The population consisted of 10 teachers belonging to the different academic programs of the University of Magdalena, who had contact with students who have visual limitations, in order to collect relevant information. The research is focused on the qualitative model using the design of action research, since it allows us to interpret the different events that occur in the Universidad del Magdalena. Likewise, the work is carried out thanks to the collaboration of the students and teachers of the different programs of the Universidad del Magdalena, fundamental actors of this research. Concluding that the teachers do not know strategies, nor typhlotechnological resources that allow the strengthening of learning. It is necessary for the Universidad del Magdalena to qualify its teachers, to empower and enrich the learning process in students with visual limitations
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