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Darwin Gregorio Chele Sancan


The world air quality is affected by emissions from the vehicles where the main fuel for its operation continues being   derived from oil, gasoline and diesel, according to the Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas y Censos (INEC) until 2015, 1 925 368 vehicles were registered in Ecuador and the emissions are deteriorating the quality of populations life. Among the damages caused by the gases from the combustion residues are the global warming, damage to the ozone layer and damage to the health of living beings.


In the last hundred years, self-propelled vehicles propelled by internal combustion engine (ICE) have dominated the transportation industry, today efforts to reduce pollution levels have led vehicle manufacturers to research a new transportation alternative and alternative fuels that are efficient and reduce the emission of polluting gases. Alternative fuels do not pollute the environment when they are made, or used, as fossil fuels do, other hydrogen-based fuels that use electrochemical cells as a source of energy and have no carbon emissions. Electricity also happens to be a source of energy for vehicles which comes from batteries that convert chemical energy into electricity.


Currently, electric vehicles have been given special attention to the called Hybrid electric vehicles HEV which   main source of energy for its displacement is an electric motor which complements an ICE, the hybrid vehicles are identified as a temporary solution, for the moment is being the most viable, fundamentally to solve the problems associated with vehicles powered by an ICE. The ICE of a hybrid vehicle produces low emissions of polluting gases compared to a conventional vehicle of similar characteristics because the engine is smaller and is not used directly for vehicle propulsion.


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How to Cite
Chele Sancan, D. G. (2017). spanish. INNOVA Reseach Journal, 2(12), 1–10.
Author Biography

Darwin Gregorio Chele Sancan, Universidad Internacional del Ecuador, Ecuador

Catedrático de la Facultad de Ingeniería Automotriz de la UIDE


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