Método “investigación – acción” aplicado al desarrollo de software de presupuestos y programación de obras
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In the Ecuador legislation requires that prior to the investment of public funds in infrastructure, is required the existence of a project which envisages in its life cycle phases of pre investment and investment, i.e., studies, and execution. A point have two phases mentioned in common is the budget and the schedule of work, and the necessity of a computer tool to strengthen and support in the elaboration of this task, the objective of research was to develop a computer easy to use to strengthen system professionals in the design and construction of civil works in the preparation of budgets and programming based on current legislation. The research method used was considered a qualitative research approach and a research design called according to Hernandez (2010) as research - action, whose model consists of a set of decisions in spiral, which are based on repeated cycles of analysis to conceptualize and redefine the problem over and over again, integrating the work with the following sequential phases of action : planning, identification of facts, analysis, deployment (software development and immersion in the field) and evaluation. As a result of the work was obtained a computer system adapted to the tastes and requirements of engineers, architects and other professionals dedicated to the design and construction of civil works, which was so called "Works", demonstrating the effectiveness of action research method to improve concrete practices, as in this case particularly in budgeting and programming of civil works.
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