Bibliometric analysis of the scientific production on Data Lake
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This paper develops a bibliometric analysis of the scientific production that contextualizes the Data Lake current. In this sense, data lakes are infrastructures for storage and management of large volumes of data from various sources, with the intention of facilitating their access, analysis and sharing. The objective of this article is to show a quantitative view of the scientific production of the subject between 2018 and 2022, to understand the current state of research, identify trends and emerging research areas, evaluate the impact and promote collaboration among researchers. The methodology allowed carrying out a systematic review of the literature through a descriptive retrospective analysis, using the Scopus database as a source of information, which reflected 73 key articles. In this context, the results highlight the interest on Data Lake from the number of article publications per year to the top of main authors, keywords and journals with respect to scientific production. Thus, they denote the importance and preferences in research on this topic relevant to various fields or areas.
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