A methodological strategy based on school climate aimed at improving academic performance in the virtual education modality
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This research was made to face all the possible disadvantages in virtual education. The principal objective was developing a methodological strategy directed to increase the academic performance based in the virtual scholarship. This is a longitudinal prospective study, quasi-experimental, with quantitative approach. Its methodological design was substantiated in the constructivism due to it is a paradigm that shape the beginner students like the builders of the knowledge. This population was made by students from sixth year of Basic General Education in an institution from Guaranda. The sample was taken from 49 children, 24 from room A and 25 from room B, this was obtained by intentional non-probabilistic sampling for convenience, dividing it into two groups, experimental and control. During a month an educational job was made using technological tools and online activities with that experimental group. The job was developing using a traditionalist methodology. After that the academic performance was measured in the subjects they studied. Finally, the achievement of the experimental group with the school environment was assessed by applying a survey. The methodological strategy implemented developed certain skills in the group that participated in the experiment, it had a significant improvement in their performance in all subjects (Math: p-value = 1.15x10-5, Language and Literature: p-value =6.08x10-5, Natural Sciences: p-value =0.0029, Social Studies: p-value =0.00008). It has a relation between school environment and academic development, as investigated children showed greater comfort with the subscale my school/general satisfaction, than with other subscales.
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