Emotional regulation for teenager’s parents: a distance modality course, beyond times of crisis
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The objective of the study was to validate and implement a workshop to promote emotional regulation in parents of adolescents in times of crisis, through a psychoeducational intervention in synchronous (video call - Meet) and asynchronous modality (Classroom and Moodle). 105 parents of adolescents participated, 44 complied with the inclusion criteria for the analysis of results. The didactic sequence composed of four sessions were validated by 6 expert judges with Castillo-Calero’s instrument (2013). An adaptation of the DERS and cases (Velasco et al., 2019). To determine the difference of groups between modalities and as well as before and after the workshop a Wilcoxon T test was applied whose result was not significant neither modality. It was decided to make an analysis regarding the scores, high, media and low, forming three groups. The first reports statistically significant differences (T=.012), demonstrating greater number of emotional regulation strategies, while the other two groups did not report significant differences in the global scale. Likewise, the vignettes of Group 1 (high) cases were analyzed in the parents' speech, changes were observed, as well as an increase in emotional vocabulary. The importance of an instructional design is confirmed to build virtual educational proposals and expand the studies that are carried out with caregivers, tutors, or parents.
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