Organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and their impact on employee performance

Main Article Content

Carlos Mamani-Guzmán
Tania Yolanda Palacios-Sarmiento
María Belén Priori-Flores
Anisleydi Tellez-Pérez


The objective of this article was to determine the impact of organizational commitment (CO) and job satisfaction (SL) on the job performance (DL) of workers, through a bibliographic review, analyzing, understanding and interpreting the information obtained from different articles. research, carried out in various labor, occupational and professional sectors. The study was aligned to the interpretive-hermeneutic paradigm, where the interrelationships of the constructs (CO, SL and DL) were described, analyzed, understood and interpreted. The research tends to a mixed approach (quantitative and qualitative), since the description, understanding and interpretation of the bibliographic review on the variables under study was carried out, through the use of bibliometrics. Regarding the methodology, the documentary research method was used. For the search and selection of scientific literature, Scopus was used as a bibliographic manager and bibliometrics for the study of scientific publications and whose unit of analysis is the scientific article. The results, based on a sample of 92 articles, during the last 19 years, that the number of published studies and citations has increased progressively. Additionally, the results reveal the positive impact of the CO and SL variables on the DL, in the same way, the mediation of the components of the commitment and satisfaction of the employees for the continuous improvement of their performance at work; This implies achievement of a positive reputation, prestige and organizational or business image, in short, organizational behavior with sustainable development.



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How to Cite
Mamani-Guzmán, C., Palacios-Sarmiento, T. Y., Priori-Flores, M. B., & Tellez-Pérez, A. (2023). Organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and their impact on employee performance. INNOVA Reseach Journal, 8(1), 153–172.
Business and Innovation
Author Biographies

Carlos Mamani-Guzmán, Universidad César Vallejo, Perú

Carlos Mamani Guzmán, peruano. Magíster en Gestión de Instituciones Educativas, Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya. Director de Institución Educativa Secundaria Rural de Gestión Pública.

Tania Yolanda Palacios-Sarmiento, Universidad Internacional del Ecuador, Ecuador

Tania Yolanda Palacios Sarmiento, ecuatoriana. Magíster en Negocios Internacionales y Comercio Exterior, Universidad de Guayaquil. Docente catedrático de la Universidad Internacional del Ecuador Powered by Arizona State University.

María Belén Priori-Flores, Tecnológico Superior Life College International, Ecuador

María Belén Priori Flores, ecuatoriana. Magíster en Comunicación con mención en Comunicación Digital, Universidad Casa Grande. Directora de Capacites y Docente de Life College internacional.

Anisleydi Tellez-Pérez, Tecnológico Universitario Espíritu Santo, Ecuador

Anisleydi Téllez Pérez, cubana. Doctoranda en Educación de la Universidad de Rosario Argentina, Directora de carrera Tecnológico Universitario Espíritu Santo.


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