Influence of personal characteristics and environmental factors on entrepreneurial intention in university students
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Young Colombians face various obstacles to develop as professionals because of the economic situation, their lack of experience and opportunities, which has generated an increase in unemployment in this population in recent years. As universities are spaces to promote entrepreneurship, the objective of this work is to analyze the influence of personal characteristics and external factors on the entrepreneurial intention of university students enrolled in the academic course entrepreneurial project of Presential Programs of the University of Research and Development-UDI of Bucaramanga -Colombia. The methodology was structured under a quantitative approach, has a non-experimental, cross- sectional and explanatory design. A principal component analysis was carried out with the intention of reducing the complexity of the model and a binomial logistic regression analysis was carried out to test the hypotheses. A survey of 33 questions related to factors under study was applied to 252 students. The initial result reveals that the economic situation in the country, family context and networks have a positive and significant influence on the entrepreneurial intention of university students. Conclusions emphasize the importance of entrepreneurial universities before entrepreneurial students because Higher Education Institutions promote entrepreneurship in this population.
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