Restaurant MSMEs transformation in the view of the new normality; an analysis from the customer behavior
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The Covid-19 pandemic left an uncertain scenario for the restaurant industry, thousands of companies closed by not resisting the lockdown period or not adapting to the new normality. Undoubtedly, it was the micro, small and medium-sized enterprises that presented the greatest difficulties since, unlike large companies, they did not have a contingency plan or sufficient financial and human resources, therefore, this research was carried out in the Historic Center of Toluca, State of Mexico, and aimed to analyze how this transformation occurred from evolutionary and revolutionary punctuated changes theory, where there is a momentum, in this case the health crisis and from the knowledge around the consumer. This was a non-experimental quantitative study and descriptive where it is concluded that the MSMEs studied were able to survive and break with inertia due to aspects that are traditionally considered business weaknesses; the absence of formal organizational structure which led to agile decision-making processes where empirical knowledge of the consumer behavior and the adoption of mainly technological innovations were the most relevant factors for survival.
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