YouTube, Instagram, emerging educational environments in times of tele-education and collaborative learning
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Today's society is significantly differentiated by multidirectional communication, which allows citizens to use the media, produce with them and get involved with new models of participation, coexistence and education. The foregoing raises the question: How is the use of social networks as emerging collaborative learning environments in times of tele-education? In this first study, with high school students and teachers in the city of Guayaquil (Ecuador), it was found that the use of social networks or platforms such as YouTube and Instagram are now used as tools that support the management of teaching-learning. of teachers and students. The research had a mixed, exploratory-descriptive approach. The techniques used were surveys and focus groups, with their respective instruments, their responses served to triangulate the information obtained. The context is situated with students from 15 to 20 years old and teachers of various subjects, from II and III of high school of the 2021-2022 school year, based on the use of social networks as virtual learning environments (EVA). These study subjects belong to the categorization in the stratification of socioeconomic level C- and D. The results show that there is a trend in the sharing and creation of content by teachers and students, especially mediated by the social networks YouTube and Instagram, giving these resources a new function in their use to achieve learning. sustainable and sustainable (satisfactory).
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