Financial education and its incidence in the credit behavior of the partners: Case of Community Development Foundation without Borders
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Accelerated global development demands an evolving society that expands at the same or greater pace. For this reason, economic and financial aspects need a detailed study, and with this, the correct administration of money that derives to the economic welfare of the populations is guaranteed. Under this premise, this research aims to determine the impact of financial education on credit decision making in the study group, which are the members of the Fundación de Desarrollo Comunitario sin Fronteras, DECOF, who have credit operations in force as of 2021. Financial education, level of indebtedness, management of personal finances and delinquency are the variables selected for the study, and are based on Pearson's Chi-square correlation analysis supported by Cramer's V coefficient, in order to demonstrate the associativity of the variables and degree of correlation. The information was collected through the application of a survey to a total of 230 members, which was the estimated sample. The main findings show a strong incidence among the selected variables. Likewise, it was deduced that financial education and the level of indebtedness have a moderate correlation; however, the correlation between financial education and delinquency was very weak. Finally, it is added that 3 of the 4 correlations had sufficient statistical significance to deduce that there is associativity between the pairs of correlated variables according to Pearson's Chi-square test.
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