Systematic literature review Management Skills in Tourism: A systematic literature review Systematic literature review
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The objective is to analyze the scientific literature on the managerial skills used in the field of tourism, to identify the main theories used on the subject, the methodologies applied, the skills required and the application contexts in which they have been used. The research was conducted through a systematic literature review of scientific articles published between 1980 and 2021 in the Web of Science database. The analysis of the review was done based on the criteria of the PRISMA statement in four stages: identification, screening, eligibility, and inclusion. In the bibliometric analysis, we identified the collaboration networks among researchers, the most used terms, and the leading countries in the generation of knowledge on the topic under study. The content analysis provided information on the authors, methods, concepts, context of application and theoretical framework supporting managerial skills. The review indicates that the main theories used are the theory of human capital; the theory of resources and capabilities; human talent management; and the theory of competitive advantage. The methodologies applied are: 80% quantitative studies; 13% qualitative studies and 7% mixed studies. The skills required can be grouped into management skills, business skills and interpersonal skills. Finally, the contexts in which the study of managerial skills is addressed is the business sector of various service companies such as tourism, sports, education, insurance, pharmaceuticals, both public and private.
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