The presence of mathematical modelling in statistics and probability tasks in Ecuadorian textbooks
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At present, mathematical modelling in research in educational environments has acquired a notable presence, which is, why many countries have decided to incorporate it both in their curricular documents and in their teaching practice; Ecuador is no exception and its latest curricular proposal explicitly incorporates it. Textbooks form part of the resources most used by teachers, therefore, the objective of this research is to determine the presence of mathematical modelling in the statistics and probability block through a comparative study of the textbooks delivered by the Ministry of Education in the years 2016-2019 compared to the books currently used and delivered to students from the year 2020. The methodology used responds to a quantitative approach, with a descriptive scope, 497 activities were analysed through a content analysis. The results show the scarce presence of mathematical modelling, although the current textbooks present more contextualised problems, the mathematical modelling activities have completely disappeared; it is concluded that an urgent reformulation of the textbooks is necessary in terms of statistics and probability, in which modelling activities are incorporated to a greater extent. The findings are useful for the Ecuadorian state and textbook authors to make decisions about how to maintain a coherent position between what is stated in the curricular guidelines and what is proposed to students in their teaching and learning process through textbooks.
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