Brand creation and management models. Literature review and description of its methodological foundations
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Several decades ago, the theme of the brand gained interest in the academic and business worlds. Such interest generates a field of studies that arises to answer questions such as what are brands, how are they created, how are they managed and how are they evaluated. This set of questions detonates a field of knowledge from which conceptualizations, theories and models that have been circulating since 1980 are born. The objective of this article is to identify and describe the models of creation and management of brands, based on a systematic review of the literature. We have focused on the most genuine models, that is, those whose proposal is distinguishable from the others. Part of a search in the Web of Science, SCOPUS and EBSCO databases, in which 366 articles were found that proposed, analyzed or applied brand management models. This material was refined, to arrive at a corpus made up of 17 models, among which there are theoretical and empirical proposals. The article describes these models, includes their diagrams and comments on them in light of their conceptual and methodological foundations. The results show a field of knowledge in consolidation, with notable conceptual differences, diversity of criteria and orientations in the revised models. It is concluded that in the empirical-type models a short-term approach prevails, there is a wide reservation about the methodologies used for their design and they report incomparable results, while the academic-type models, although they make an effort to validate their constructs, are still far from meeting all the scientific criteria that would be expected in products of this type.
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