Impact of the STEM model on learning Pascal's Principle

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Rafael Calle Chumo


The purpose of this article was to analyze the performance of two active methodologies to improve the teaching of Physics, through a comparison between project-based learning and STEM, during a practice of Pascal's Principle in engineering students, assisted by the methodology quantitative. To do this, Hake's normalized learning gain was determined against two instructional scenarios; PBL (control group) versus STEM (experimental group) with 69 students between 18 and 21 years old, through a questionnaire of ten multiple-choice questions with a single answer. As a result, the learning statistics compared both methodologies and presented two rejection indicators: lower probability and t-statistic. Next, a post-hoc analysis supported by a concentration factor verified in each group the means of entry and exit grades in areas of comprehension. At the end, it was verified that the STEM methodology generated a greater increase in learning since its distribution widths were far from the ABP, leaving the concentration of zones at higher levels denominated as correct. In short, it was found that the STEM model provides greater methodological effectiveness, since it characterizes the environment conducive to empowering learning towards understanding, creativity, analysis and calculations in university engineering students.


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How to Cite
Calle-Chumo, R. N. (2022). Impact of the STEM model on learning Pascal’s Principle. INNOVA Reseach Journal, 7(2), 78–96.
Author Biography

Rafael Calle Chumo, University Casa Grande

Rafael Norberto Calle Chumo, ecuatoriano, Magíster en Educación con énfasis en investigaciones e innovaciones pedagógicas, Universidad Casa Grande, doctorando en Universidad Camilo José Cela y línea de investigación en metodologías didácticas y profesionalización.


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