Female entrepreneurship: characteristics, reasons for success, limitations, involved and consequences

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Natividad Carmen Orihuela-Ríos


The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Peru 2017 - 2018 explained that Peru ranks 1st in Latin America and the Caribbean, and 5th in the Entrepreneurship Index. The presence of women entrepreneurs by opportunity is 0.92 for each man, which is why they joined the economy of the country and are generating jobs directly and indirectly. The objective of the study was to analyse female entrepreneurship and identify the characteristics, reasons for success, limitations, involved, and consequences. The study was developed under the interpretive paradigm, qualitative approach, analytical, synthetic, and inductive method. The study category was broken down into five subcategories, and each indicator was coded, then the interview information was triangulated with the support of Atlas.ti 8 software. The main characteristic of women entrepreneurs is perseverance and they are always attentive to opportunities from the market. A limitation is an access to financing for the initial capital, as well as the procedures, are bureaucratic. Despite the demanding nature of the business, women do not neglect their tasks as mothers. The family supports the growth and development of the economic activity, which translates into economic profitability and personal wealth, which allows the entrepreneurial economic independence and social status.


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How to Cite
Orihuela-Ríos, N. C. (2022). Female entrepreneurship: characteristics, reasons for success, limitations, involved and consequences. INNOVA Reseach Journal, 7(1), 109–122. https://doi.org/10.33890/innova.v7.n1.2022.1946
Actors in the economy and business development
Author Biography

Natividad Carmen Orihuela-Ríos, Universidad César Vallejo, Perú

DR. CPC Natividad Carmen Orihuela Ríos; Doctor en Administración - Universidad Cesar Vallejo / Perú; Magister MBA / Universidad Cesar Vallejo; Contador Público / Universidad Nacional del Callao; Docente universitario / Universidad Cesar vallejo; Línea de Investigación: Fortalecimiento de los actores de la economía y desarrollo empresarial; Google Scholar: https://myaccount.google.com


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