Determinants of human development: a case study of the San Martín region – Peru
Main Article Content
The general objective of this research was to discover which are the determining factors of human development according to the perception of the participating agents in the San Martín Region. The type of investigation of this investigation is basic, of a qualitative approach, because its purpose is to understand the reality of the facts and the interrelation of the factors involved in the development process of the San Martín Region. The research design was a case study, in which the successful experience of the San Martín region was considered. The instrument for data collection was the interview and documentary analysis. For the interview, a semi-structured interview guide was used as an instrument. The software used for the analysis was Atlas.ti version 8.0; With this software the meanings were deepened, based on the coding from the dimensions that have been projected for the qualitative analysis from the interview script, the same ones that are included below: Social Development (SD), Economic Development (DE), Environmental Development (DMA), and Institutional Political Development (DPI) in the San Martín region from 2000 to 2020. In conclusion, the determining factors of human development were discovered according to the perception of the participating agents in the San Martín Region. This research found that the main Human Development factors in the San Martín Region were “Migration”, “International Cooperation”, “Tourism” and the “Capacity of its people”.
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