Winstats in learning statistics in computer science students at the Enrique Guzmán y Valle University- Peru
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In this article we present the effect of the Winstats software on the learning of statistics and determine the level of learning in the Faculty of Sciences, through a theoretical and practical analysis. The research methodology is applied, quantitative approach, quasi-experimental design and theoretical empirical method. To determine the sample, the non-probabilistic statistical method was used, the sample being 25 students from the experimental group and 25 from the control group; To whom a knowledge test validated by expert judgment and reliability was applied with the statistical technique of two halves, the Spearman Brown sub technique, obtaining the coefficients of 0.85 and 0.86 respectively, for each of the applied questionnaires. For the hypothesis test, the Student's t test was used for independent samples, assuming a 95% confidence level and a 5% level of significance. The results after the experiment were favorable for the experimental group in its conceptual and procedural dimensions, obtaining averages with a higher score of 15.60 compared to the control group 12,16. In conclusion, it was possible to demonstrate that there was a significant effect of the Winstats Software on the learning of statistics.
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