Juegos de lucha e iniciación al Judo desde la perspectiva de la educación física
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The proposal that was propounded in Liceo Naval de Guayaquil "Cmdte. Rafael Andrade Lalama " high school, incorporated the didactic unit of" Games of fight and initiation of the Judo in Physical Education ", which provided an approach so that the students know and practice Judo of" educative form "by means of activities playful-Recreational, leaving aside competitive perspectives and not centered just on stereotypes of repetition of techniques. Specifically, the main objective of this innovative didactic unit was to promote the approach to personal defense, to strengthen the curriculum design and the satisfaction of the Liceista community, based on the teaching guide of Enrique and Vicente Carratalá that propose "a model of Initiation to Judo from the perspective of Physical Education ". The teaching-learning model used in the current work is the constructivism Learning, characterized mainly by the previous experiences of the students and proposals of new learning based on the knowledge that build new knowledge. "In addition, the teaching styles that were used they were varied and depended on the specific activity that was developed. Guided discovery and problem solving were excelled. Finally, it was possible to motivate the students to participate in new contents to develop the Physical Education, with socializing games of cooperative type that increased those motivations promoting in a specific form the beginning of a << judo for all >>. In conclusion, it is of great satisfaction for the students, who participated in activities, that were unknown and little used by the teachers of Physical Education, with which these experiences aroused the interest to know non-traditional sports in this case Judo; Applying basic principles such as: friendship and mutual prosperity, giving in to win and maximum effectiveness with minimum effort.
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