Economic overview of Peru in the context of COVID-19
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The research aimed to describe the variation in the interest rate, the exchange rate, net international reserves, gross domestic product and business expectations during the COVID-19 pandemic period and how it influenced the Peruvian economy in the macroeconomic context compared to five consecutive years of economic variability. The analysis was carried out under the quantitative approach; the descriptive method was applied, in the data collection the documentary analysis technique was used with the support of the reports of the Central Reserve Bank of Peru and statistics of the Peruvian economy since 2016 until August 2020. For the calculation analysis, the statistical software SPSS 26.0 was used. In this context, the interest rate varied between 12.30 and 17.73 percentage points, unlike the exchange rate that fluctuated between 3.21 and 3.51 soles, likewise business expectations were between 21.5 and 61.0 points, also the gross domestic product moved between -39.9 and 4.2 in percentage, finally the net international reserves evolved between 57,999 and 74,782 million dollars.
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