Baseline Determination for the Community Development Activities of the Automotive Engineering School of the International University of Ecuador extension Guayaquil
Main Article Content
This study aims to determine the baseline for the development of community activities in the program called Chongón Social Laboratory 2019 - 2022. The goal of the project will be to increase knowledge in road and environmental education around the use of motorcycles and tricycles as conveyance through the transfer of knowledge from students of automotive engineering university's school to the inhabitants of the surroundings of the Center Atenttion Municipal Integral (CAMI) of Chongón. The methodology applied in the study was quantitative and was carried out by taking 40 surveys of people in the sector by students and professors of the university. The study had a non-inferential descriptive character. The questions were directed to inquire about area conditions such as the level of road sign, accidents (sources and geographic concentration), traffic laws knowledge, sewerage and basic services. This data exploration was carried out on a non-representative sample for local residents. The results show a high level of accidents at downtown area caused by motorcycles, where people surveyed express the need to improve road signs and training to answer questions about requirements and knowledge necessary to obtain the type A license, road education oriented to accident prevention and industrial safety focused on waste management. In conclusion, the baseline that is used to prepare community activities of Automotive Engineering School extension Guayaquil within the Social Laboratory UIDE program was determined.
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