Post Covid-19 strategies: Challenges for companies exporting traditional products
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In the context of international trade, the global health crisis released by COVID-19 has influenced the way people used to work and the entire business environment. The adaptability of exporting companies becomes more important to be able to defend their permanence in the market. This work aims to identify strategies that allow exporting companies to adapt to the transformations consequent from COVID-19. Throughout the investigation, a qualitative approach was used, with the application of analytical-synthetic theoretical methods to analyze and characterize business strategies and business challenges. The results obtained indicate that the diversification of markets, providers, the digitization of operations and, more importantly, electronic commerce (e-commerce) have been the most recommended strategies to face the health crisis. From the present investigation, it is concluded that, although these strategies do not cover all of the needs of exporting companies, they can serve as framework to strengthen skills in an unexpected scenario that has unevenly affected companies around the world.
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