IT assets: a benchmark in the characterization of IT risk management processes

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Alejandra Mercedes Colina Vargas
José J. Túa Ollarves


Assessing and managing the risks associated with IT assets is one of the most challenging tasks facing an organization today. There is an environment marked by daily pressures on time and resources, which often do not receive your full attention. However, one essential activity should include frequent reporting of new vulnerabilities, hacking attacks, and data breaches. Thus, asset management is required as a process that allows achieving adequate management of IT assets with a view to improving the efficiency and performance of the organization and thereby minimizing costs, among other things. This paper presents a theoretical review that allows us to answer how is IT asset management pertinent and indispensable in technology risk management processes? For this, exploratory and descriptive research methodologies were articulated. The literature review methodology proposed in the PRISMA Declaration was followed, consulted in the SCOPUS and IEEE Xplore Digital databases with descriptors in Spanish and English, whose date is between 2018 and 2020. It is finally proposed, that from From the review in general, the fact that there is little research that relates to IT assets and risk management. When referring to IT assets, they were linked to financial risks, which are not linked for the purposes of the investigation.


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How to Cite
Colina Vargas, A. M., & Túa Ollarves, J. J. (2020). IT assets: a benchmark in the characterization of IT risk management processes. INNOVA Reseach Journal, 5(3.2), 196–213.
Author Biographies

Alejandra Mercedes Colina Vargas, Universidad ECOTEC, Ecuador

Doctora en Educación por la Universidad Nacional Experimental Rafael María Baralt (Venezuela). Coordinadora de Investigación y Profesora a tiempo complejo adscrito a la Facultad de Ingenierías en la Universidad ECOTEC (Ecuador). Investigadora del área de ingeniería de software, tecnologías de la información y procesos educativos, incursionando en el área de inteligencia de negocios. Samborondón, Ecuador.

José J. Túa Ollarves, Universidad Nacional Experimental Francisco de Miranda, Venezuela

Doctor en Educación por la Universidad Nacional Experimental Rafael María Baralt (Venezuela). Profesor Asociado a tiempo complejo adscrito al Departamento de Informática y Tecnología Educativa en la Universidad Nacional Experimental Francisco de Miranda (Santa Ana de Coro-Venezuela). Investigador de los fenómenos de la gestión de información, la sistematización de pensamiento para la generación de proyectos y productos digitales. Falcón, Venezuela.


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