Determinants of happiness in undergraduate students during the state of health emergency – Lima
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The research had the objective of establishing the determinants of happiness according to undergraduate students during the state of sanitary emergency - Lima. This was developed under the quantitative approach, substantive type, ex post facto design, hypothetical deductive method. The study population consisted of 1556 students and 308 participated voluntarily, for data collection an online Happiness Scale survey and questionnaires for adults in Moyano (2016), Emotional Intelligence de BarOn ICE: NA (2005) and Engagement de Salanova y Schaufeli - UWES (Utrech Work Engagement Survey) (2016) were applied. The data were analyzed with the support of descriptive and inferential statistics with structural equations using SPSS 24 and Amos 24 software. The results showed that the medium level of happiness, the high level of emotional intelligence and engagement predominated. Likewise, the theoretical model proposed was that emotional intelligence and engagement determine happiness; therefore, from the result obtained with the Chicuadrado test (131,804) and the significance level of .000, the model was accepted. In conclusion, it was demonstrated that emotional intelligence influenced happiness by 22% while engagement by 36%; likewise emotional intelligence was related to engagement by 33%, in consequence happiness is determined in 23% by happiness and engagement according to undergraduate students during the state of health emergency - Lima.
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