Expert system for the ITSM in the company Sion Global Solutions
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In the company, it was determined that the level of maturity, in relation to the execution of the systems, is imperfect, because there is limited confidence, a lower level of efficiency, and the lapses highlight what was agreed. In this sense, the objective of the research was to demonstrate to what extent an expert system improves IT Service Management in the Sion Global Solution Company in the expected time, the levels of reliability and the effectiveness in the assessments of the levels of maturity in the management of IT services of the company Sions. The foundation of the system was executed under the union of the CommonKADS and SCRUM methodology for two notable aspects, which was the reconstruction of the knowledge and scope of the project. The methodology used maintains that the quantitative approach allows the verification of the variable that was executed through the numbers that corresponded to time, confidentiality, and effectiveness. Likewise, two methodologies were used to design the system and achieve results that verified the improvement of the context, the design was Pre-experimental in view of the fact that it worked with a single group, the sample was determined by 16 evaluations of technology companies in Peru. The results showed that the expert system optimized the average time in assessing maturity levels by 585%, in parallel with the usual system. In this way, the reliability levels optimized by 98% and the efficiency by 113% the response volume, the effectiveness of the service and the practice in the technological administration evaluations. It was indicated that the processes of the phases of the administration of services such as delineation, tactics, transition, work and perennial improvement, contribute by reducing times, costs, extending their functionality for organizations that work with technological services as part of the maneuver of the deal. Therefore, the expert system could be used in companies of different areas that have technological services, whose objective is to determine the current moment of assistance and its potential improvement over time.
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