Facts that currently affect entrepreneurship in Ecuador
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Entrepreneurs currently face great opportunities as well as great challenges and difficulties, such as the degradation of the environment and its consequences on production, the global and local economic crisis, the proliferation of the autocratic administration of power holders in the companies, social protest due to the political, social and economic dissatisfaction of the people, low level of disruptive innovation that not only affects production but also the low quality of the goods and services offered. This article aims to recognize the factors that currently affect entrepreneurship in Ecuador, through 7 aspects that affect corporations established by Diana Rivenburgh in her book, The New Corporate Facts of Life. According to the results of the Global Innovation Index 2019 (Global Innovation Index 2019), Ecuador is ranked 99th out of 129 countries and economies around the world, in terms of innovation performance, this, this contrasted by economic growth negative for the country, with values of around -7.3% projected by the International Monetary Fund for 2020 and to the economic instability produced by the social protests of October 2019 and the effects of the health crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic at a global level , in which globalization, the deterioration of the environment, and the lack of business leadership to provide answers and solutions to the challenges and opportunities that arise have to do.
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