Evaluación de la gestión financiera y cualidades gerenciales en empresas ecuatorianas
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The resources available to companies and the results they obtain determine their financial situation and economic performance, reflected in their financial statements. The managerial function plays a fundamental role for the maximization of business value, through leadership, direction, and correct decision-making; so that, the qualities of the person who manages a company have an impact on its results. This research aims to evaluate the financial management of the four most important economic sectors of the Ecuadorian manufacturing industry: meat, textile, beverage and furniture, during the period 2013 - 2018, and to study their relationship with management, through the quantification and analysis of their qualities, such as gender, permanence in office, academic training and affinity. The financial statements reported by the companies to the Superintendency of Companies, Securities and Insurance of Ecuador were used. Financial management was evaluated by applying and comparing financial ratios, to study its behavior and evolution, by identifying the main similarities and differences. The results show a majority participation of the male gender in the management of the four sectors studied. The indebtedness index is higher when management has a university education, which shows that academic preparation affects the ability to take greater risks. Companies whose managers have related training have higher levels of liquidity, which shows better short-term financial strategies.
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