Critical thinking skills in secondary school students from Lima, Peru
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In a globalized world, where technology develops rapidly, it is essential that students at different educational levels develop critical thinking skills such as reasoning, analysis, synthesis, evaluation and adequate decision-making for the solution of different problems. able to successfully respond to the challenges posed by the 21st century. Faced with the above, the need to investigate this variable arises, hence the objective of this study was to describe the levels of critical thinking skills in students from Metropolitan Lima. The research was developed within the quantitative approach, type of basic research, descriptive non-experimental design, it was worked with an intentional sample of 110 secondary school students from the city of Lima, Peru. The information was collected with the critical thinking instrument based on the theoretical approaches of Priestley (2015), which was divided into twenty items, three dimensions, fifteen indicators and a vigesimal score. The descriptive results indicated that 80.0% of participants were located at the initiation and process level, that is, on the way to developing the cognitive skills of critical thinking and 20.0% managed to apply their own abilities satisfactorily and prominently of this kind of thinking.
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