The application of ethnomathematical algorithms in the meaningful learning of university students
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The article presents results of the impact of ethnomathematical algorithms on the meaningful learning of mathematics in university students in 2019. The study pursued the purpose of determining how the application of ethnomathematical algorithms affects the meaningful learning of mathematics. In it, the frequent application of these algorithms in the learning sessions can significantly improve the learning of mathematics in university students. Three techniques were applied: observation, questionnaire and an interview sheet applied to 25 university students, applied in two tests, a preliminary test and a closing test. With positive results, shown through the values of the statistic T = 1.02 (first operational hypothesis) so that Hi is accepted and Ho is rejected. And in the statistic, T = 0.09 (third operational hypothesis), which is in the acceptance area, for which we accept Hi and reject Ho. It is statistically proven that the use of ethnomathematical algorithms influences the meaningful learning of university students. Concluding that university students better develop their logical and mathematical skills using ethnomathematical algorithms. Studies should be deepened on the effect produced by the application of ethnomathematics as a teaching-learning strategy in initial teacher training at the level of Higher Schools and Universities
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