Analysis of the digital competences of university teachers from the TPACK model (technological and pedagogical knowledge of content)
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The training of university teachers in digital technologies (TP) represents an important value in the development of their academic work, from that perspective is necessary to analyze in depth the skills that teachers have through the application of the TPACK model (Technological, Pedagogical, Content Knowledge). For the analysis of the model, an already elaborated instrument was applied, which was modified and its validity was verified by means of the review of experts in the branch. In the same way, the analysis of internal consistency was carried out by means of Cronbach's alpha, obtaining a value of 0.733. The analyzed sample was of 238 teachers, the study has a quantitative, descriptive and transversal approach, the main results give place to the fact that the competences that teachers possess are in constant evolution, so among the technological, pedagogical and disciplinary competences in an independent way they manage to reach high competences in the teaching staff, not being the emerging competences of TPACK where a decrease in their integration is manifested and this effect may impact significantly in the teaching-learning process, this not only allows to know the current situation of teachers in the integration of TD, but also provides a very general vision of the training that students acquire mediated by digital environments. Although the technological skills that teachers develop are not the solution in itself to all educational problems, it should also be emphasized that these skills are framed in synergy with pedagogical and content knowledge, in order to achieve educational quality.
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