Work motivation in a service company in Lima, Peru
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Human talent is the most important resource and capable of generating growth in any entity. Therefore, companies of all types, sizes, industries and locations direct their efforts to meet their needs by creating spaces where they exceed their expectations and achieve their satisfaction. In this context, in the company under study, there is no structure of recognition, there is a lack of training, opportunities, growth and development. There are no strategies to motivate the staff and/or spaces for the development of their skills among other actions. For this reason, the objective was to diagnose and determine predominant factors of work motivation in the workers of a service company in Lima. The study was based on a mixed approach, holistic syntagm, comprehensive level, inductive-deductive method, the technique was the survey and interview supported by interview guide, reporting units were thirty among workers and ex-workers and three interviewees. The results show a lack of motivation with respect to recognition, incentive bonuses, rewards but in addition to salary and the aspect of autonomy. The results show a lack of motivation with respect to recognition, incentive bonuses, rewards, but in addition to the salary and the aspect of autonomy. Flexible working hours, feedback, integration, promotion of research and openness to new forms of problem solving are considered to be predominant factors.
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