Project of entrepreneurship and family economy, Guasmo, 2019. An experience of linkage.
Main Article Content
The article refers to the experience of executing the project of connection with the community, in the field of entrepreneurship and family economy, in the Parish of Nuestra Señora de la Encarnación, located in the Unión de Bananeros, del Guasmo Sur, in the city of Guayaquil; by students of the Business Administration degree from the Salesian Polytechnic University, with teaching monitoring; with the objective of evaluating its implementation, using a descriptive methodology, based on the assessment made by the participants in a Likert-type survey, taken at the end of the training period. Its main results reflect the opinions of the beneficiaries in the categories of organization, development of practical content, through which a high level of participation was achieved, and where the evaluation process was key to improving the assimilation of content; the quality of the instructors and the level of learning acquired; that allowed to stimulate the entrepreneurial spirit. It is concluded that the development of these themes, aimed at vulnerable sectors of society, constitutes a strategy to face the high levels of unemployment that are experienced in the country.
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