Optimization in the management of registration and control of student records of the Department of Student Welfare

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Giovanni M. Rizzo Vargas
Alejandra M. Colina Vargas
José J. Túa Ollarves


The article aims to show how, from the development of a technological solution directed to the student welfare department of a university in Ecuador, the management processes in the registration and control of student records are efficiently optimized for the care of new students. to the University. To this end, an articulation of exploratory and descriptive research methodologies was carried out, supported by tools and techniques of agile software development. The proposed solution was developed under strictly well-developed programming standards, based on free software tools that improve and favor a constant update of the system architecture. The SCRUM methodology was implemented for the construction identifying the general vision of the product from the on-site diagnosis and the documentary review, later the requirements and objectives that represent the vision and expectations of the client are listed as a priority, being covered in the best possible way. Finally, within the results, a high level of user satisfaction stands out as it is considered a useful product that favors the area of ​​student well-being by improving the process and recording of the cumulative information of each student and the adequate follow-up of the same.


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How to Cite
Rizzo Vargas, G. M., Colina Vargas, A. M., & Túa Ollarves, J. J. (2020). Optimization in the management of registration and control of student records of the Department of Student Welfare. INNOVA Reseach Journal, 5(3), 122–134. https://doi.org/10.33890/innova.v5.n3.2020.1358
Author Biographies

Giovanni M. Rizzo Vargas, Investigador Independiente, Ecuador

Systems Engineer. Guayaquil, Ecuador.

Alejandra M. Colina Vargas, Universidad ECOTEC, Ecuador

Doctora en Educación por la Universidad Nacional Experimental Rafael María Baralt (Venezuela).  Coordinadora de Investigación y Profesora a tiempo complejo adscrito a la Facultad de Ingenierías en la Universidad ECOTEC (Ecuador). Investigadora del área de ingeniería de software, tecnologías de la información y procesos educativos, incursionando en el área de inteligencia de negocios. Samborondón, Ecuador. 

José J. Túa Ollarves, Francisco de Miranda National Experimental University (UNEFM), Venezuela

Associate professor. Curriculum axis Programming and Information Systems. CIO / CTO organizational. Doctor of Education, Magister Scientiarum in Educational Informatics, Bachelor of Education in Computer Science. Falcon, Venezuela            


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