Seguridad y salud ocupacional en Ecuador: Contribución normativa a la responsabilidad social organizacional
Main Article Content
Corporate Social Responsibility is the new paradigm of corporate strategic
management. Within its fundamental interest groups are workers and consequently their health
and safety. Granted that Social Responsibility is voluntary in nature. Objective: to know the
scope of the Ecuadorian legislation on Occupational Health and Safety by analyzing and
verifying whether the contents required by ISO 26000 ( are reflected in the regulations of
Ecuador, in order to differentiate in future studies, the actions surpass the norm and identify them
as "good practices" in sustainability. Material-Methods: comparative observational study using
secondary information sources; Current legal regulations applicable to Occupational Safety and
Health, and ISO 26000 Social Responsibility Guide (section This standard has been
chosen because it is internationally recognized and Ecuador was an integral part of its
development. Results: Comparative table referring to each point of the ISO 26000 Guide and the
respective Ecuadorian legislation applicable to it. Conclusions: It can be determined that
Ecuadorian legal regulations observe each and every one of the recommendations indicated in
the Guide.
Article Details
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