Determination of baseline of bonding program of the International University of Ecuador extension Guayaquil
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This study aims to determine the baseline to develop the linking program of the Universidad Internacional del Ecuador, Guayaquil 2019 - 2022. As a first stage, the program aims to boost business of CAMI Chongón entrepreneurs to achieve improvements in the families and community through the increase in the economic return of their businesses. The methodology applied in the study was quantitative and was carried out by taking 37 surveys of various businesses in the sector by students and professors of the university. The study had a non-inferential descriptive character. The questions were directed to inquire about the type of business, form of legal constitution, accounting management, presence in social networks, collection methods and differentiation of money management between the business and the owner. This data exploration was performed on a non-representative sample for the commercial population of the sector. The results show a wide diversity of businesses and their needs, among which the authors mention: lack of formality, lack of image, lack of strategic partners, lack of accounting, financial and statistical data; among others. In conclusion, the baseline that is used to prepare the UIDE linking project was determined.
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