It’s time to be different, it’s time to be a teacherpreneur and motivate students
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One of the determining factors of failure and dropout in higher education is the lack of motivation, a large number of studies showed this, making it clear that many educational institutions fail to generate that special link between student enjoyment in the classroom and methodologies used in teaching practice. Given this need to achieve students with suitable levels of motivation, the research found in the “teacherpreneur” or entrepreneurship teacher, a teacher who based on his particular way to teach and preparation looking for that student forges a positive attitude in his future career and maintains constant interest. The experimental research and pre experimental design sought to show how positively a teacherpreneur influences in student motivation and for this purpose a pre-test and post-test was applied to a business school in Lima, Peru; before and after receiving classes with teacherpreneurs, in such a way that the initial levels of motivation were compared against the final ones and categorical results were obtained that demonstrate the significant degree of influence that a teacherpreneur exerts on the motivation of his students. That is why motivation is the driving axis that mobilizes all behavior.
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