The golden number as a motivating element towards the study of mathematics
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The growing concern on the part of the mathematics didact in relation to the poor performance, apathy and demotivation of the students towards the study of that Science, has led them to rethink the way of teaching them, especially for those students who study careers not related to it, who point out that there is no direct relationship between the career they study and mathematics; One of the challenges present in this process is to show the numbers from their usefulness, that is, appropriate to the context of the student and that has meaning for him. Based on this premise, a classroom pedagogical project was implemented based on the origin, evolution, development and application of the golden number due to its direct connection with elements of reality; in order to motivate the student to be interested in mathematics. Methodologically, a mixed nature study was carried out under the modality of participatory action research, whose protagonists were the students of the first level of Basic Mathematics. The results obtained showed a favorable acceptance of the subject and the students were receptive and motivated to carry out the activities and expressed their satisfaction with the learning obtained.
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