La dimensión del sector público en el Ecuador y su impacto a través de la política tributaria en la competitividad de las Pymes
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This article aims to analyze the impact of the public income and expense budget in Ecuador, especially through the tax policy, on the competitiveness in terms of profit reinvested and possibilities of long range growth. The research is based on the theories of Manzano, Pineda y Ríos (2008), Fernández, Rodríguez y Parejo (2008) and Calva & Alarco (2007). The methodology used was descriptive and explanatory according to Hernández et al. (2014). The results of the study demonstrated how the considerable growth of the public sector in Ecuador has resulted in an expansive fiscal policy since 2007 and in a more taxation tax policy, which has increased the tax burden on large companies. That tax policy has limited of SMEs possibilities of economic growth, and impacted in turn the levels of competitiveness, since this type of companies depend on the levels of productivity and economic growth of large companies, as a minor link in the chain of value. This scenario makes such fiscal policy unsustainable in the long run. On that way it is necessary an urgently reform in the public sector size and designing a fiscal countercyclical policy including a fiscal and tax reform, which seeks to focus more on the side of spending than on income, reducing the fiscal gap and put the public debt in a sustainable level.
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