Financial indices, the key to administrative finance applied to a manufacturing company.
Main Article Content
This work aims to present the financial analysis of the company COLINEAL CORPORATION CIA LTDA through the application of financial indicators of liquidity, profitability, indebtedness and value generation, which allows to improve decision-making in the management of operation, investment and financing. Likewise, in order to comply with the proposal, a methodology with a mixed approach was used, argued with theories of authors on financial issues, the research is explanatory-longitudinal type due to the comparative analysis of the financial statements obtained from the superintendence of the company's securities and insurance, contrasting with the behavior of the changing macroeconomic environment to which Ecuador's manufacturing sector is exposed, affecting the financial performance of companies. As a result of the financial behavior is to evaluate the generation of value that allows the creation of competitive advantages for an efficient financial administration, which impacts the future growth of the company.
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