The productive empowerment of women as a result of Financial Inclusion

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Andrea Navas R.
Jorge Andrés Moncayo Lara


The document analyzes the importance of financial inclusion and the relationship it generates with the economic development of women through productive entrepreneurship. The objective is to show the importance of access to financial services and the creation of ventures to seek gender equality, for this the profitability caused by women, the evolution of the creation of companies and their sources of financing, the barriers that are faced when initiating the ventures and the benefits that financial inclusion entails. Finally, the authors highlight good practices and public policies that promote the goals of equality and economic growth for women.


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How to Cite
Navas R., A., & Moncayo Lara, J. A. (2019). The productive empowerment of women as a result of Financial Inclusion. INNOVA Reseach Journal, 4(3.2), 152–171.


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