Analysis of the financial cost in a PYMES company, during the period 2014 - 2016
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The objective of this research was to analyze the financial cost incurred by SMEs during the years 2014-2015-2016, reviewing financial indicators and estimating the interest rate on bank loans obtained, and then comparing them with other forms of financing that companies have to obtain resources. Two theories were analyzed on the ways that companies have to obtain financial resources; one theory is about Pecking order that indicates three ways to obtain indebtedness through the profits of the year, bank and shareholder loans; The other theory is called Trade Off, indicated that financial expenses generate tax savings. The data analysis estimated that the interest rate paid by the company was 18%, relating to what happens with the market, where SMEs obtain loans with rates over 22% and the decisions taken to get money are according to the revised theories. It is concluded that one of the forms of indebtedness is the use of the stock market that offers low interest rates, through the name RED.
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