Perception and promotion of alternative tourism in the district of Lunahuaná – Cañete, Lima Peru
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The objective was to exhibit alternative tourism in the district of Lunahuaná - Cañete, department of Lima, Peru. The research presents a holistic phrase with a mixed approach. The sample was composed of one hundred people among residents and tourists who visit the district. For the quantitative results, a survey was applied to people between eighteen and fifty years of age identifying with the Pareto chart two critical problems, one of them is the ability of the district to accommodate tourists in high seasons and the guides do not have technical knowledge. For the qualitative analysis, interviews were conducted with people who know and work in Lunahuaná, who indicated that the tourist resources are not conserved, the tourist guides need to be trained and an agreement with the tourism policy is urgently needed. The proposal aims to improve the tourist plant during the high seasons, provide lodging services in houses and spread the historical heritage value. Besides, the quality of the guided service must be improved and encouraged not only by traditional tourism but by other varieties such as gastronomy, experiential, mystical, cultural tourism to increase the economy and the quality of life of the inhabitants.
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