Ontological nature of socio-educational research: orienting elements
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The present article proposes the systematic exploration and revision of the ontological nature of socio-educational research, which starts from conceiving education as a social phenomenon, thus delineating the epistemological scope of the educational phenomenon, in which the symbiosis between the nature of reality and the characteristics that surround them. To this end, a theoretical analysis of the components and essential elements that make up the research was carried out, emphasizing the philosophical, scientific and technical aspects that delineate the relationships between these elements, which outline in the end a research design of socioeducational phenomena. Within the final reflections highlights the fact of the existence of gaps when undertaking a socio-educational research, because the production and reproduction of the social research process is attempted in a linear manner, without taking into account the analytical, hermeneutical and reflexive relationships that surround the educational phenomena studied with a scientific perspective.
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