Strategies to increase organizational engagement in the sales area of a company in the cosmetics and personal care industry

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Noli Jhasmeth López Bravo
Pietro Pablo Guissepi Dondero Cassano


The present research developed aims to propose strategies to improve the organizational commitment of the sales area of a company in the cosmetics and personal care industry. The study was worked through holistic term, mixed approach, projective type, comprehensive level, inductive and deductive method, for the collection of data a questionnaire corresponding to 18 items was used, the population consisted of 15 sales advisors, while the interviews were applied to the three managers. The processing and analysis of quantitative information was carried out with the support of the Pareto diagram, Spss.24 software and Atlas.ti for the qualitative. Organizational commitment was measured through three components: affective, continuity and normative commitment, resulting in lack of involvement, lack of motivation and continuous rotation, that is why the IML Model involving engagement activities was raised, motivation and a career line to elevate organizational engagement that is important the achievement of the organizational objectives.


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López Bravo, N. J., & Dondero Cassano , P. P. G. (2019). Strategies to increase organizational engagement in the sales area of a company in the cosmetics and personal care industry. INNOVA Reseach Journal, 4(3.1), 184–192.


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