A proposal for a contextualized model of training to promote a sustainable community-based tourism: A case study of the ASORUTACHAGRA association
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In Ecuador, the community-based tourism is legally acknowledged and regulated by the government. These regulations include the type of activities and the type of training that the indigenous and rural communities which offer this service need to have.
The requirement of training has become problematic for the members of the communities that offer this type of tourism due to different reasons, for instance: trainers with limited knowledge of the community, trainers who do not have enough knowledge of pedagogy and methodology to promote an active participation of the members of the community they train, and contents that are not pertinent to the community. For this reason, a collaborative mode of training in which with the guide of a facilitator and the use of the Problem Based Learning approach, the members of the community take the lead of their own training. This with the aim to have community-based tourism programs that are sustainable and profitable.
Keywords: community tourism; sustainability; training; pedagogy; methodology
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