Coexistence and school communication: Transformation through action and participation
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The purpose of this research was to apply an Action Plan aimed at strengthening coexistence and communication in a public educational institution in Venezuela through Participatory Action Research. The methodological approach was limited to the perspective of the Critical Paradigm, promoting the participation of the collective. It was carried out through four phases. In the Diagnostic, the research context was described using the survey as a technique of data collection in its form of questionnaire to students, teachers, administrators, workers and mothers, parent representatives. Discussion groups were held with the teachers, as well as field notes and photographs. The diagnosis reflects that students have little commitment to their academic responsibilities, lack of cooperation on the part of parents and representatives and non-compliance with the rules of coexistence. Once the hierarchy of needs was carried out and the SWOT matrix was applied, it turned out to give relevance to school coexistence due to its importance for communication, and integration of the entities of the educational process. The Planning phase made it possible to organize action strategies The execution phase corresponds to the application of the strategies. In the evaluation and feedback phases it was possible to conclude that each of the activities carried out within the framework of the proposed Action Plan generated a commitment to continue working towards a society that is capable and willing to relate respecting the individuality of the other, from a communication Harmonic in school coexistence.
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